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Celebrating the Rotary and Bi-Con matching grant to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library are pictured Alicia Winkler Amato-President, Cambridge Area Rotary; Hannah Bingham, Vice President-United Way Board; Mrs. Fran DeWine, First Lady of Ohio; Marynell Townsend, Executive Director-United Way/Rotarian; Virginia Hendershot, Administrative Assistant Bi-Con Services, Inc. With the Governor’s Library Match, area kiddos from birth to age 5 receive $31k in free monthly books and learning materials through the program. Mrs. DeWine and United Way Director, Townsend, expressed thanks for Rotary, Bi-Con and Ascent Resources(not pictured) leadership in supporting the early literacy project that brings hope, building a positive foundation for each child’s learning across their lifetime of experiences.